Samsung “Art is Mobile” Contest

Digital Artist

Winning image – 1st. Place ” El exéntrico de la cuadra”


I participated with this other piece among the 100 most popular.

“Laberinto urbano”

I couldn’t participate with this piece but I like it.



Let me introduce you the image that gave me the first place at the contest “Art Is Mobile”. I thought that the proposal was very interesting and really seductive. The objective was to take a picture at an urban space and then intervene it with digital resources as we like.

I knew about it the week before of the dead line to participate, I thought a lot about concepts that could reflect in the best possible way an intervention but not just aesthetic or structural, but conceptual.

I finally concluded that my intervention should be something straightforward keeping with the spirit of the contest. So, I tied to capture my passion for color, shape, light and I came up with the pieces that I previously presented to you. I was really doubtful and I had some inter process with different and diverse criteria of selection until I found the road I was looking for to transmit the specific spirit.
Finally, the search and the process were rewarded and I personally believe that the most important thing is that everything that we project needs to have an idea and being sustainable.


Digital Artist


Ramiro A. Fernandez

